Stokkermill Vibrating Screens

Moley’s Vibrating Screens reduce the amount of hidden copper in the waste stream.

Vibrating Screens are used to recover granules or copper dust hidden in plastic after the processing of cables. Vibrating tables tend to be very effective, but in some cases a sieve is necessary to remove filaments and copper powders which remain enclosed to the plastic. The use of a vibration screen reduces the amount of hidden copper in the waste stream therefore maximizing recovery rates.

Year New
Make Moley Magnetics
Model VB 600
Info Stokkermill Vibrating Screens
Description Used to recover granules or copper dust hidden in plastic after the processing of cables.
Price Please Contact Us: 1-844-851-3622
TRACKWAY | 55024 Range Road 234, Sturgeon County, Alberta T8T 2A7  | Local: 780-973-0023  | Toll Free: 1-844-851-3622  | Toll Free Fax: 1-844-319-2816  |